Wednesday, December 8, 2010

December week one 2010

Hello All!
Here it first post.  Where do I start? So much has happened in the last few months.  The Hawley's world has changed so drastically.  Three months ago Colby and I were packing up our 600 square foot Seal Beach apartment, getting ready to embark on our great adventure.  Since then I drove with my Mom from California to Minnesota, Colby and I spent about a week in Minnesota, moved to NYC (Where I trained at the 5th Ave store and Colby got fat on NY pizza), went on a weekend trip to Philly (Ate great cheesesteak sandwiches and saw historical places-well America's baby history).  On October 23rd we jumped the pond and arrived in Paris, our home for the next two years.  Honestly, its still such a shock.

Our first impressions of Paris were very blurred.  It just felt like everything was moving in slow motion.  Its one thing to study abroad or go on trip, but completely relocating is a whole other ball game.  It sort of feels like you have been just dropped off on another planet.  We got introduced to foie gras, the baguette obsession, pastries from Heaven, the metro, watching where you walk (In general French do not pick up after their dogs), SMOKE, gorgeous architecture, and a language I continue to fall in love with.  I was nervous about what everyone has said about the French people being very rude, but honestly we have experienced quite the opposite.  Paris is like a bunch of small towns squished together (Well, there are definitely some signs of the city life).  The French have been very welcoming and encouraging as we mix up words like "gas" and "cash" in the check out line. 

After about two weeks in Paris we met up with Suzie (A girl who got her hair cut by the same person as us in Seal Beach.  She studied abroad out here during college and moved to Paris indefinitely a few months ago).  Suzie instantly became our friend as well as her boyfriend Omar.  Omar is from Morocco, but he has been living here in Paris for the past six years.  They are a breath of fresh air out here!

We experienced our first voyage outside of Paris with Suzie and Omar.  We went to the town of Brugge, Belgium.  It is in the far north, near the coast.  Check out my photo album on facebook to see some pics. To get to Brugges we took a two trains (two and half hours total). Going there we almost missed our train, because we didn't see we only had 6 minutes to switch trains and since the first one got there a few minutes late 6 got shortened to 3. We also had NO idea where to go. We were literally RUNNING through the station and still barely made it. It was intense. The train ride itself was really nice. I had my breath taken away as my husband slept next to me and I watched the sunrise through the countryside fog.  After arriving we walked the town.  The architecture there was beautiful as well.  Aside from all of the architecture we enjoyed chocolate, waffles, Flemmish stew, a boat ride, tour and sample in the oldest and only running brewery in Brugges.  The beer was very good there.  We also found ourselves in the middle of the papa noel parade in the middle of the town.  The is where Colby gave Papa Noel (Santa) a high-five on Belgium TV!  We marched down the street right behind Santa on his horse. 

Our second trip was to Amboise, France.  Amboise is a small town in the Loire Valley.  It was about a two hour train ride southwest of Paris.  The Loire valley is known for castles and wine...we enjoyed both!  It was very easy to walk all over the town.  We toured the Clos Luce manor where Leonardo DaVinci spent his final three years of life and finished some of his most well known works.  We also toured the Chateau d'Amboise (The castle in the picture).  In Amboise we ate the best (LITERALLY THE BEST) chocolate I have ever had the pleasure of eating.  We also sampled some local wine (Which was also spectacular) and our first foie gras experience.  Colby and I felt like we had seen everything that we could in Amboise by Sunday late morning.  So, we took a short train ride over to Tours (a city 19 km west of Amboise).  Tours is where Medeival architecture was introduced to France.  It was also the capital of France for two centuries. 

Well y'all...its time for me to eat the dinner mon mari a cuisine pour moi and watch some Glee Christmas.  This weekend Colby and I are traveling to Venice, Italy (Leaving Friday night and returning Sunday night).  We will keep you posted on our adventure!